Abasido Umoh: an Alison Contract Publisher based in Nigeria

Abasido Umoh: an Alison Contract Publisher based in Nigeria


Experts from all over the world apply to publish courses with Alison. In order to meet this high level of demand, Alison employs Contract Publishers who transform expertise and knowledge into high quality courses. Last year, Alison invited 100 Graduates worldwide to train to become Contract Publishers. Abasido is one of our Alison Graduates who went on to become an Alison Contractor.



Abasido, tell us a bit about your background before Alison.

My name is Abasido Umoh and I’m from Nigeria. I’m a final year student studying Computer Technology at the University of Calabar.

How did you discover Alison, and what was your experience as a learner?

Sometime in 2017, I discovered Alison while searching for free online courses on the internet. I was amazed to find that 100% of the courses on Alison are completely free. That’s unlike anything I had seen on any other platform before. The courses are of very high quality and the interface is simple and easy to use. Anyone would enjoy taking online courses on Alison.

Why did you pursue the chance to become an Alison Contractor?

I got an email from the Alison publishing team late last year and they invited me to join their team as a contractor. The opportunity seemed like a good one since I only needed a PC and an internet connection to do everything, so I decided to apply and see how it goes.

How did you find the remote Contractor training?

I’ve benefited a lot from the training I received. I’ve learnt a lot of new things in such a short time and I did all of it from right here in my home country.


What was the first course you published on Alison?

The title of the course is Introduction to Blockchain Technology and Applications. It’s a diploma course. It’s live right now on the Alison platform and numerous people have enrolled. It was an interesting project, a little challenging in the beginning, much like most things we get to do for the first time. But it turned out to be great and I benefited a lot myself from publishing the course.

How has your decision to work for Alison affected your career path?

I’ve always liked the idea of working remotely and this was the perfect opportunity. I get to make an impact on people around the world from right here. What’s more, my digital skills have improved a great deal and I believe skills like these are in higher demand especially given the recent turn of events in the world right now.

What’s the best part of working as an Alison Contractor?

For me, there are two things. First, it’s the flexibility and convenience of the work. I get to work whenever I’d like to and for how long I wish, just as long as I finish up before the deadline. Secondly, the courses I publish can be from a variety of different subjects so I get to learn a bunch of new stuff from different fields of study along the way. And then thousands of people also get to benefit from my work. Plus, I get paid for it. What could be better than that?

If you could publish course that would teach the world, or yourself, anything, what would it be?

I think a course on personal finance would be just right. Most people know very little about how to mange their money wisely. I believe a course that presented important information in a simple but effective way would go a long way to help a lot of people get more financial stability and improve their standard of living, both in this part of the world and beyond.