Are you Ready for the New WordPress Editor?

Are you Ready for the New WordPress Editor?

Tomorrow, December 6th, WordPress 5.0 is scheduled to be released. This is a highly anticipated update and has had people talking for over a year. Before you update, be sure you have a backup copy of your website so you can restore your previous version if needed.

We also recommend waiting a few weeks before doing the update to give the developers some time to work out any kinks that are sure to occur with such a major update.

The most noticeable change in WordPress 5.0 is the editor. Once you perform the update, the editor you are currently using will be retired and replaced with a new editor called Gutenberg. There will certainly be a learning curve as we all adjust to this new editor.

We know change is hard, but in the long term, everyone will benefit greatly from the new editor.

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Happy holidays,
The DB Team