Build an Alien Chatbot Livestream

Build an Alien Chatbot Livestream

The 1950s ushered in excitement about outer space and, incidentally, UFO sightings and conspiracies about alien life. The decade also brought about a new theory of artificial intelligence—computer scientist Alan Turing proposed that if a computer was able to fool a human into believing it was human, the computer should be considered “intelligent”.

No computer has been able to pass the Turing test yet, but what if a bot could fool a human into believing it was an alien?

During our livestream on Thursday at 2pm EST, we will teach you how to build an alien chatbot using Python, step-by-step. By the end, you’ll have created a chatbot that may not pass a true Turing test, but it just might pass an “E.T.uring” test.

In order to follow along with the stream on your own computer, open the following link(s):