‘What’s Going On in This Picture?’ Kids and Teens Collection

‘What’s Going On in This Picture?’ Kids and Teens Collection

A slide show including some of our most popular images published from 2012 to 2022 in “What’s Going On in This Picture?”

What’s Going On in This Picture? | Sept. 12, 2022

Look closely at this image, stripped of its caption, and join the moderated conversation about what you and other students see.

145 Picture Prompts to Inspire Student Writing

A school year’s worth of short, accessible image-driven posts that invite a variety of kinds of writing.
Picture Prompts: An Invitation to Write

Picture Prompts: An Invitation to Write

Four short, image-driven prompts that invite students to try different kinds of writing.
Introduction to ‘Picture Prompts’

Introduction to ‘Picture Prompts’

Besides written articles, The Times also offers a rich collection of visuals — photos, illustrations, graphics, GIFs and short videos — that are accessible to learners of all levels. Since 2016, we’ve been featuring these images in our daily Picture Prompts.These accessible, image-driven prompts include both photographs and illustrations, and invite a variety of kinds…
What’s Going On in This Picture? | Nov. 16, 2020

What’s Going On in This Picture? | Nov. 16, 2020

Students in U.S. high schools can get free digital access to The New York Times until Sept. 1, 2021.1. After looking closely at the image above (or at the full-size image), think about these three questions:2. Next, join the conversation by clicking on the comment button and posting in the box that opens on the…
What’s Going On in This Picture? | Nov. 9, 2020

What’s Going On in This Picture? | Nov. 9, 2020

Students in U.S. high schools can get free digital access to The New York Times until Sept. 1, 2021.1. After looking closely at the image above (or at the full-size image), think about these three questions:2. Next, join the conversation by clicking on the comment button and posting in the box that opens on the…
What’s Going On in This Picture? | Nov. 2, 2020

What’s Going On in This Picture? | Nov. 2, 2020

Students in U.S. high schools can get free digital access to The New York Times until Sept. 1, 2021.1. After looking closely at the image above (or at the full-size image), think about these three questions:2. Next, join the conversation by clicking on the comment button and posting in the box that opens on the…
What’s Going On in This Picture? | Oct. 19, 2020

What’s Going On in This Picture? | Oct. 19, 2020

Students in U.S. high schools can get free digital access to The New York Times until Sept. 2021.1. After looking closely at the image above (or at the full-size image), think about these three questions:2. Next, join the conversation by clicking on the comment button and posting in the box that opens on the right.…
What’s Going On in This Picture? | Oct. 5, 2020

What’s Going On in This Picture? | Oct. 5, 2020

Students in U.S. high schools can get free digital access to The New York Times until Sept. 2021.1. After looking closely at the image above (or at the full-size image), think about these three questions:2. Next, join the conversation by clicking on the comment button and posting in the box that opens on the right.…
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