
Teenagers Tell Us About Their Relationship With News

Nearly 400 students wrote about where they get it, how they navigate it — and why they think adults are more likely to fall for misinformation than they are.

Teenagers on What Has Shaped Their Political Beliefs and Values

Ahead of the 2024 Election, we invited teens to explore their political identities and tell us how they have come to believe what they believe.

What Teenagers Are Saying About Parents Paying Their Children to Read

Can bribes instill a lifelong love of reading? Teens weigh in on a recent guest essay.
Teenagers on the Greatest Gifts Their Parents Have Given Them

Teenagers on the Greatest Gifts Their Parents Have Given Them

As a kid I was always so excited to receive gifts, and the idea of receiving a gift uplifted my spirit to the highest. A gift I received from my parents during my 9th birthday was a sketchbook, and little did I know from this gift would arise a new persona in me. I always…
Teenagers on Saying ‘Like’

Teenagers on Saying ‘Like’

Maybe with some self-reflection and practice, I can kick this habit and speak more confidently and clearly. — Adaobi, Valley Stream NorthTo me filler words are just like any other word. They have meaning when you deliberately place meaning in them but when you use them to fill natural silence in your conversation they become…
Are Teenagers Obsessing Too Much About Skin Care?

Are Teenagers Obsessing Too Much About Skin Care?

Is anyone you know especially interested in skin care? Do they seem to know, or want to know, everything about various products, skin types and beauty treatments? Are you someone who fits into this category?The New York Times recently reported that beauty stores like Sephora and Ulta are seeing a surge in new customers: tweens…
Teenagers on What They Are Grateful For

Teenagers on What They Are Grateful For

Another big thing I’m grateful for is being able to live comfortably. Many people struggle to get through their daily lives worrying about food or money. I’m so grateful for the fact that I do not have to worry about that; I can wake up without having to worry about what I’m going to eat…
Teenagers in The Times: Fall 2023

Teenagers in The Times: Fall 2023

Welcome to a mammoth edition of our Teenagers in The Times feature.To help students participating in our One-Pager Challenge, which runs from Dec. 6 to Jan. 10, we have collected news, Opinion essays, feature stories, videos, photo essays and podcasts about young people that have appeared across sections of NYTimes.com this fall. (And we will…
Teenagers as Critics: A Step-by-Step Guide for Writing a Review

Teenagers as Critics: A Step-by-Step Guide for Writing a Review

OverviewSo you want to write a review. Whether you are planning on entering our Student Review Contest, writing an assignment for class, or submitting a piece to a school, local or online publication, this guide can help.We’ll walk you through the review-writing process, from brainstorming a topic to experiencing a work as a critic, to…
Teenagers on What They Have Learned From Failure

Teenagers on What They Have Learned From Failure

It took a while to process, but I slowly accepted it, and came to a realization. I may not get the role this year, or on this stage, but there are hundreds of stages. This is not the stage where I will play my dream role, but there are thousands of roles, even more opportunities.…
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