High Wire
What do you think this image is saying? How does it relate to or comment on society or current events? Can you relate to it personally? What is your opinion of its message?Tell us in the comments, then read the related Opinion essay to learn more.Want more Picture Prompts? Find them all in this column.Students…
Your 2023 Most-Anticipated List
What are you looking forward to this year?
Your Favorite Tree
Do you have a favorite tree, or a favorite species of tree? If so, what and why? How has it played a role in your life? If you don’t have an answer, go for a walk in your neighborhood and choose one that catches your eye for any reason.A program in Melbourne, Australia tracks every…
A Surprise
Tell us a story, real or made up, that is inspired by this image.
Stars and Stripes
Students in U.S. high schools can get free digital access to The New York Times until Sept. 1, 2021.Take a close look at the image above. Where and when do you think it was taken? Why? What does it convey to you? How does it relate to or comment on society or current events? Does…
Your Tech
What tech tools are you finding most fun and useful right now, whether you access them for school, for work or for entertainment? What apps are your current favorites? Why? What technology do you wish you had? To answer this question, you can choose tools that currently exist but you don’t own yourself — perhaps…
The Dinner Party
Tell us a story, real or made up, that is inspired by this image.
Ripped Test
What do you think this image is communicating?
Use your imagination to write the opening of a short story or poem inspired by this illustration — or, tell us about a memory from your own life that this image makes you think of.Tell us in the comments, then read the related article to learn more. Want more Picture Prompts? Find them all in…
Cat Cams
Have you ever watched a video taken by a cat — or, more accurately, by a camera attached to a collar? The video above is one example.The rise of wearable camera technology, though more often used by surfers or snowboarders than pets, has led to a popular new style of cat content that shows the…