Celebrating International Women’s Day with Alison.

Celebrating International Women’s Day with Alison.

The 8th of March is International Women’s Day (IWD). A worldwide celebration of all women’s accomplishments. Consider a future where women are treated as equals. A world without prejudice, stereotypes, or discrimination. A world where diversity and equality are nurtured and celebrated. A lot of progress towards this world has already been made. But we still have a long way to go. We can achieve women’s equality by working together. International Women’s Day is also a call to action for equality for women across all aspects of life. No matter if it’s at home, the workplace, government or just being out in public. Women deserve to be respected and appreciated for everything they do. In honour of International Women’s Day, Alison would want to pay tribute to all the fantastic ladies out there and share some of their success stories.


At Alison, two of the pillars we are founded on are especially relevant to International Women’s Day.

Celebrating International Women’s Day with Empowerment.

At Alison one of the ways how we strive to better women’s lives is through empowerment. With free education and training available, we truly believe that the power to grow, achieve your goals and ultimately improve your life is within every woman.

We strongly believe in the power of free education and skills training to change people’s lives for the better and are passionate about providing a learning experience that meets all their needs and helps them to achieve their life goals

After all, knowledge is power.

Promoting Inclusivity on International Women’s Day.

One of the ways Alison works to improve women’s lives is via empowerment. With free education and training open to all, we really think that every woman has the ability to grow, attain her goals, and ultimately enhance her life.

Everyone, regardless of race, gender, or culture, has the right to a free education. This is particularly true for females. Women used to be denied access to school, but that is no longer the case, and as a result, women are transforming the world. We hope to use Alison’s technology, skills, and innovative approach to enable women all over the world make their mark in whatever profession they choose.

Let us introduce you to a few women who have gained confidence and obtained the respect and positions they deserve as a result of their studies. They have altered their life as a result of the skills, self-improvement, and information they have obtained.

Ogala Amina Maneti

Ogala Amina Maneti has a qualification in Public Administration and began taking Alison classes in 2013. Amina has completed courses in Customer Service, Procurement and Human Resources such as Fundamentals of Corporate Management. She enjoys that Alison’s courses are self-paced with no deadline for completion. Alison has given her the confidence, power, and edge when applying for a variety of jobs. She believes that she has greatly improved her CV because of her education with Alison. Don’t just take our word for it; hear it from Ogala herself.

Morgan Ballou

In her video testimony, Morgan tells us she was a high school dropout. She started looking into online learning to further her education and make her way into the work force. Through Alison, she completed courses in C-Programming, Trademarks and Copyright, and Investment. She and Investment has also completed a Diploma in Legal Studies and a Diploma in Psychology. Alison has helped her gain the skills needed to earn her way into Harvard’s HBX online learning initiative and her current position with the Legal Association of Professionals.

Oluyemisi Onyegbula

Oluyemisi Onyegbula works as an online coordinator and sales trainer for Multipro, a Lagos-based Nigerian company. She discovered Alison when she started her current job. Because she didn’t have much experience in the field, she found just what she needed in Alison with courses on Warehouse Management, Human Resource Management and Business Intelligence Systems. Thanks to these free courses, she became an asset at Multipro and we wish her many more years of success.

Now those are what we call success stories!

Wishing all of you a happy International Women’s Day.