Courses to help build a more inclusive world

Courses to help build a more inclusive world

In this post we share potential ways to tackle inequality in today’s world, and courses to help get you started.

The last century has seen a global decline in violence and an increase in life expectancies. Yet, in recent years, it has also seen struggles against the impacts of globalisation and automation, unprecedented political turmoil and a widening gap between the world’s richest and poorest.

How do we set about decreasing levels of inequality and creating a world that is fairer for all?

photo of a biochemist

Improving access to healthcare

Across the world people are still suffering from a lack of basic healthcare and healthcare infrastructure. Women and children are especially at risk. According to the UN, ‘almost all maternal deaths occur in low-resource settings and can be prevented’. Finding ways to improve basic levels of healthcare across the globe will save millions of lives.

Courses about improving access to healthcare:

Improving the Health of Women, Children and Adolescents: from Evidence to Action (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)

Health in Humanitarian Crises (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine)

Medical Peace Work (University of Bergen)

photo of children in a classroom

Making education for all

Education is recognised as a key way to keep people out of poverty, yet as of 2013 59 million school-age children were not in school (UN). Girls especially are not given the same educational opportunities as boys, which can leave them financially dependent on others and unaware of their own rights (Plan UK). We cannot afford to neglect the education of the next generation.

Courses about making education for all:

The Right to Education (University of Glasgow)

Aim Higher: Access to Higher Education for Refugees and Asylum Seekers (Cambridge English Language Assessment)

Inclusive Learning and Teaching Environments (University of Southampton)

Girls’ Education: Teaching Strategies That Develop Confidence, Resilience and Collaboration (Girls’ Day School Trust)

Education for All: Disability, Diversity and Inclusion (University of Cape Town)

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Ensuring a fair justice system

Although crime rates are generally in decline, there is still more to be done to ensure fair, efficient justice systems the world over. The first step to ensuring a fair justice system is understanding it – the law can often be complex and confusing.

Courses about law, crime and justice:

Law for Non-lawyers (Monash University)

Economics of Crime (Hanyang University)

From Crime to Punishment: an Introduction to Criminal Justice (York University)

Crime, Justice and Society (University of Sheffield)

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Increasing understanding of different cultures

Thanks to cheaper air travel, the movement of people across the globe is commonplace. Different cultures, races and languages now live and work side by side in cities the world over. But cultural differences can often bring conflict and confusion, especially if they’re not fully understood. This is why increasing our cultural knowledge and awareness is so vital if we want to live in a globalised and cooperative world.

Courses about cultural understanding:

Improve Your Intercultural Competence (Purdue University)

Global Studies: Cultures and Organizations in International Relations (Grenoble School of Management)

Or for courses about specific cultures, have a look at our Languages & Cultures category page.

Not found a course here for you? Browse all our courses.

P.S. How do you think we should build a more inclusive world? Let us know in the comments.