Courses to help you tackle current healthcare issues

Courses to help you tackle current healthcare issues

Ensure you’re up to date with the latest thinking on key issues in healthcare with these courses from top organisations.

Online Courses to help you tackle current healthcare issues Antiobiotic Resistance

Antibiotic Resistance

According to the WHO ‘without urgent action, we are heading for a post-antibiotic era, in which common infections and minor injuries can once again kill’. Take action by learning about the challenges and potential solutions to antibiotic resistance.


Challenges in Antibiotic Resistance: Gram
Challenges in Antibiotic Resistance: Point Prevalence Surveys
Antimicrobial Stewardship


The number of people with obesity in the UK has more than trebled in the last 25 years (BBC), a worrying statistic when obesity brings with it increased risks of cancer, diabetes and heart disease. How can we get the world’s weight back to healthy levels? Maybe we start by educating children.


Preventing Childhood Obesity

Genome Sequencing

There has been plenty of excitement about the possibilities of genetic sequencing, but what are the facts? Could we truly be entering an era of personalised medicine? Find out with courses exploring the cutting edge, from NHS Health Education England and St George’s.  


Whole Genome Sequencing

Genomic Technologies in Clinical Diagnostics: Next Generation Sequencing


In this time of turbulent politics right across the globe the threat of inequality seems to be increasing. Now is the time to get practical advice and learn useful strategies for ensuring everyone has access to basic healthcare and human rights.


Towards Equity: Tackling Inequalities through Health and Social Care

Getting Care Right for All Children



Although Zika is no longer making front pages, there is still much to learn about managing this fast-moving, devastating disease, including lessons that might prove invaluable if another epidemic breaks out.


Preventing the Zika Virus: Understanding and Controlling the Aedes Mosquito


According to Diabetes UK diabetes is the ‘fastest-growing health threat facing our nation’ with over 3 million people in the UK alone living with diabetes. This presents healthcare with plenty of challenges from managing insulin treatment, to preventative measures to helping diabetic people lead healthy lives.


Understanding Insulin

Living Well with Diabetes

Caring for older people

As medicine has improved so have life expectancies – we have never lived longer. However this newfound longevity has brought with it a set of challenges, the biggest being managing a large ageing population. Ensuring quality of life for this growing group of people is a major concern.


Dementia: Understanding and Managing Challenging

Good Brain, Bad Brain: Parkinson’s Disease

Mental Health

Thankfully for the 1 in 4 adults (NHS) who will suffer a mental health issue during their lives, stigma around mental health problems is fading. However knowing how to diagnose and manage common mental health problems like depression and anxiety can still be a struggle for doctors and healthcare professionals. This popular course from the University of Reading is a good introduction to diagnosis and treatment.


Understanding Anxiety, Depression and CBT

Not found a course to suit you? Browse our wide range of healthcare courses.