Free course of Creativity and Innovation


The following course in Creativity and Innovation is provided in its entirety by Atlantic International University’s “Open Access Initiative” which strives to make knowledge and education readily available to those seeking advancement regardless of their socio-economic situation, location or other previously limiting factors. The University’s Open Courses are free and do not require any purchase or registration, they are open to the public.

The course in Creativity and Innovation contains the following:

  • Lessons in video format with explaination of theoratical content.
  • Complementary activities that will make research more about the topic , as well as put into practice what you studied in the lesson. These activities are not part of their final evaluation.
  • Texts supporting explained in the video.

The Administrative Staff may be part of a degree program paying up to three college credits. The lessons of the course can be taken on line Through distance learning. The content and access are open to the public according to the “Open Access” and ” Open Access ” Atlantic International University initiative. Participants who wish to receive credit and / or term certificate , must register as students.

Lesson 1: WHAT IS NLP?

Neuro: Our experiences are stored through our nervous system and our five senses. Memory is constructed of images, sounds, tastes, sensations. Emotional states are determined by these sensations (the quality of our mental cinema). ·

Linguistics: and manifested through our verbal diction as well as our nonverbal language. Indeed, it is through language that we give meaning to what we experience. Thus each language is a new way of organizing the world.

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Lesson 2: Define Management Innovation

We define management innovation as the invention and implementation of a management practice, process, structure, or technique that is new to the state of the art and is intended to further organizational goals. Adopting an intraorganizational evolutionary perspective, we examine the roles of key change agents inside and outside the organization in driving and shaping four processes—motivation, invention, implementation, and theorization and labeling—that collectively define a model of how management innovation comes about.

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The motivation phase refers to the preconditions and facilitating factors that lead individuals in a company to be motivated to experiment with a new management innovation. It addresses the question “Under what conditions, or in what circumstances, do executives deem existing management practices to be inadequate for their needs?” The answer to this question is far from straightforward because it is necessary not only to identify the conditions under which executives search for new management innovations but also to specify the circumstances in which they choose not to adopt one of the existing solutions that can be obtained in prefabricated form from the so-called management fashion-setting community (Abrahamson, 1996). For management innovation to occur, in other words, the market for management fashions has to fail.

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Lesson 4: History of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in a Global Economy

When Peter Drucker wrote about innovation and entrepreneurship in the mid 1980’s (Innovation and Entrepreneurship Principles and Practices, 1985), America employed 10 million more people than had been predicted, and its dynamic economy was headed toward a primarily entrepreneurially inspired, innovative business culture. There was an abundance of young risk takers who were willing to endure the ruthlessly long hours required by entrepreneurial opportunities, especially because of the potential success they offered. At the same time, big business dominated the corporate world and benefitted from a highly loyal workforce.

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The story of leadership begins not all that long ago in the late 1800s. Common thoughts back then suggested that leaders were born and not made. These perceptions originated out of an observation that many great leaders possessed something out of the ordinary—natural, inborn characteristics that allowed them to excel above the rest (what was ultimately called the “Great Man” leadership theory). This perception translated into limited opportunities for leadership among the common people, as they were not endowed with these “special” leadership characteristics.

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Enhancing the innovative ability in organizations is one of the most important levers to increasing profitability and growth in organizations. To illustrate this, three separate studies undertaken by top American consulting organizations, one done by Strategos (2004) and another two published by Arthur D. Little (1994, 2005) suggest that there is huge untapped potential to improve profit growth through innovation management.

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Lesson 7: What is Creative Training & Development?

The goal of training is for employees to master the knowledge, skill, and behaviours emphasized in training programs and to apply them to their day-to-day activities. Recently it has been acknowledged that to impart a competitive advantage, training has to involve more than just basic skill development and training to gain a competitive advantage.

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Lesson 8: Define Creative Marketing

Creative Marketing is defined as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Kotler and Armstrong also defined marketing as the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return. In this case marketing can be considered as “an organizational effort to create and retain profitable customers through positive relationship building between the organisation and its internal as well as external customers in a socially responsible manner“. In order to create and retain profitable customers, the marketing concept has become the way of thinking with the customer located at the centre of the business.

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 Lesson 9: Overview of Products & Pricing

This lesson deals with the first two components of a marketing mix: product strategy and pricing strategy. Marketers broadly define a product as a bundle of physical, service, and symbolic attributes designed to satisfy consumer wants. Therefore, product strategy involves considerably more than producing a physical good or service. It is a total product concept that includes decisions about package design, brand name, trademarks, warranties, guarantees, product image, and new-product development.

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Lesson 10: Business Models, Strategy & Innovation

A business model articulates the logic and provides data and other evidence that demonstrates how a business creates and delivers value to customers. It also outlines the architecture of revenues, costs, and profits associated with the business enterprise delivering that value.
The issues related to good business model design are all interrelated, and lie at the core of the fundamental question asked by business strategists how does one build a sustainable competitive advantage and turn a super normal profit? In short, a business model defines how the enterprise creates and delivers value to customers, and then converts payments received to profits.

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