FutureLearn updates: Assignments and Course Descriptions

FutureLearn updates: Assignments and Course Descriptions

FutureLearn Tutor marked assignments

Submit an assignment and get feedback from your tutor

You can now submit assignments for tutor feedback and grading. Tutor marked assignments are a step in a course which will allow you to submit a written response to a question set by the course provider. One of the educators can then give you feedback either in the form of written feedback, annotations or a percentage mark, much like you’d expect in a classroom.

Pay in your local currency

From this week if you live in the United States, Australia or Europe you will be able to pay for FutureLearn products in your local currency. We hope that this will make it easier for you to upgrade courses, or buy certificates. We’re also working on introducing additional payment methods, to help those who don’t have the ability to pay using a debit or credit card.

Get all the information about a course with new course description pages

Our course description pages now have a shiny new look, designed to highlight each course’s benefits and to help you find the information you are looking for quickly. The new layout is also more mobile friendly so browsing courses on the go will be easier and more enjoyable.


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