Infographic: Workflow Learning

Infographic: Workflow Learning


Charles Jennings recently challenged L&D to ‘start with the 70 and plan for the 100‘. This infographic explores that approach by focusing on workflow learning, starting with what’s happening in the workplace and drawing on pull resources and collaboration to support deep and continuous learning.

If you’re interested in how to design such learning ecosystems, I highly recommend my previous post about design thinking for human centered learning as a way to explore and support workflows.





I’m a Learning & Performance Geek with a passion for helping to empower people and solve challenging problems.
I’ve created an app called Learn2Learn to help people future-proof themselves with the super-skill of learning.
In my day job at DeakinCo, I use design thinking to take the lead creative role delivering 70:20:10 performance solutions for some of Australia’s largest companies.
In my spare time, I’m an award-winning fiction writer and hobbyist multimedia designer. Most importantly, I’m a proud dad to 3 eccentric small individuals who, along with my wonderful wife and life partner, have taught me more than anything else in the world.

If you think we’re on the same wavelength, please be sure to connect with me on Twitter/LinkedIn and use the form above to sign up for my email list.