International Women’s Day 2018 – 5 women who inspire us to keep learning

International Women’s Day 2018 – 5 women who inspire us to keep learning

1. Mary Treat, Naturalist

Mary Treat researched, documented and wrote about plants and butterflies, corresponding with Charles Darwin and Asa Gray and critiquing their work during the 19th century – a time when women scientists were few and far between. Despite her reputation and importance as a entomologist, biologist and science writer, a complete biography of her still doesn’t exist.

Read more about Mary Treat
Follow in her footsteps with a biology course

(Image from Women in History Blog.)

2. Edmonia Lewis, Artist

A trailblazer in the world of sculpture, Edmonia Lewis is acknowledged as the first professional female African-American and Native-American artist. Although born in New York in the mid-19th century Edmonia spent the majority of her life in Rome, where she learnt Italian and spent her time sculpting – without help from local workmen, despite the trend of doing so at the time.

Read more about Edmonia Lewis
Follow in her footsteps with an art course

3. Ellen Richards, Chemist

Ellen Richards was one of the first women admitted to MIT in 1873. She explored the chemistry of substances used in the home, laying the scientific groundwork for home economics. As well as conducting important research into sanitation and how to improve people’s living conditions, she paved the way for more women in science, eventually establishing a laboratory at MIT for women.

Read more about Ellen Richards
Follow in her footsteps with an chemistry course

4. Nora Stanton Barney, Engineer

From a line of outspoken suffragists and campaigners, Nora Stanton Barney campaigned for women’s rights and excelled as a civil engineer and architect in the first half of the 20th century. She was the first woman to earn membership to the American Society of Civil Engineers, who she later took to court for denying her a more senior membership because of her gender. At every turn she refused to let the sexism of the time hold her back.

Read more about Nora Stanton Barney
Follow in her footsteps with an engineering course

5. Katherine Sui Fun Cheung

Katherine Sui Fun Cheung was the first Chinese-American to hold a pilot’s license, earning it at a time when only 1% of pilots in the USA were women. An expert in acrobatic displays she swooped and barrel-rolled her way into the history books, meeting Amelia Earhart and joining all-women’s flying club the Ninety-Nines. A couple of years ago a documentary was made about her remarkable story.

Read more about Katherine Sui Fun Cheung
Follow in her footsteps with courses about technology

(Image from Popular Aviation Flying Magazine)

Which women inspire you to keep learning? Let us know in the comments.
