Learning With: ‘Lawmakers Vote to Effectively Ban Abortion in Alabama’

Learning With: ‘Lawmakers Vote to Effectively Ban Abortion in Alabama’

6. The Alabama Senate Republicans hotly debated several possible exemptions to the ban. Why were possible exemptions for incest and rape ultimately voted down and why?

7. How have some other states, like New York and Vermont, sought to protect abortion rights?

Finally, tell us more about what you think:

— Senator Greg Reed, a Republican who is the State Senate majority leader, said in a statement after Tuesday night’s vote that the measure:

Simply recognizes that an unborn baby is a child who deserves protection — and despite the best efforts of abortion proponents, this bill will become law because Alabamians stand firmly on the side of life.

Staci Fox, the president and chief executive of Planned Parenthood Southeast Advocates, had a very different perspective:

Today is a dark day for women in Alabama and across this country. Banning abortion is bad enough. Imprisoning doctors for providing care goes beyond the brink. Alabama politicians will forever live in infamy for this vote and we will make sure that every woman knows who to hold accountable.

What is your reaction to the passage of the nation’s most restrictive abortion law?

— Why do you think state laws that restrict abortion are on the rise? How might these proposed changes affect you and your community?

— In a related article, “Alabama Governor Signs Abortion Bill. Here’s What Comes Next,” Alan Blinder writes:

The measure’s architects are not just expecting a pitched debate in the courts; they are inviting one. The entire purpose of the law, they have said, is to persuade the United States Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, the 46-year-old ruling that recognized a constitutional right for a woman to end a pregnancy.

“This bill is about challenging Roe v. Wade and protecting the lives of the unborn, because an unborn baby is a person who deserves love and protection,” said Representative Terri Collins, a Republican who sponsored the legislation.

But on Wednesday, the governor acknowledged that “at least for the short term,” Alabama’s law might be “unenforceable.” It could take years for any court challenges to be resolved.

Do you think the Alabama bill will be found constitutional by the Supreme Court? Why or why not?

Further New York Times Resources:

What Do New State Abortion Laws Really Mean for Women?

How Banning Abortion in the Early Weeks of Pregnancy Suddenly Became Mainstream

How a Supreme Court Shaped by Trump Could Restrict Access to Abortion

“The Daily” podcast: Roe v. Wade, Part 1: Who Was Jane Roe?

Other Perspectives:

Alabama and Georgia Are Throwing Down the Gauntlet against Roe. Good. — National Review

The New Abortion Bills Are a Dare — The Atlantic

‘Heartbeat’ Abortion Bans Are Going Nowhere Before 2020 — Bloomberg