Before reading the article:
Did you know that Mercury is in retrograde?
From March 5 to March 28, as it typically does three times a year, Mercury, the closest planet to the sun, appears to move backward across the sky — from east to west rather than from west to east.
Have you seen any negative effects in your life? Have you been more cautious about your actions? Or do you think fear or caution, based on astrological events, is nonsense?
Watch the four-minute video, “Astrology Is Fake but It’s Probably Fine,” and answer the following questions:
• Why is the “mystical internet” on the rise, according to the video?
• Why does Amanda Hess believe that online astrology is less about predicting the future and more about helping to better understand ourselves?
• What does Ms. Hess believe are the positive aspects of this rising interest in astrology?
Now, read the article, “Mercury Is in Retrograde. Don’t Be Alarmed,” and answer the following questions:
1. What do astrologists warn us about while Mercury is in retrograde?
2. While Mercury may appear to be moving backward, what, scientifically, is taking place between Mercury and Earth’s orbit?
3. What evidence does the author present of astrology’s growing presence online? Which online communities represent the most significant growth?
4. Why are millennials increasingly drawn to online astrology?
5. How do some practitioners of astrology respond to skeptics and critics who call it “pseudoscience”? What do astrology defenders believe to be the positive benefits?
6. Chani Nicholas, an astrologer, says:
My main concern is that everyone has access to the therapies and practices that are healing to them. And if astrology is not that for you, then great, move on.
What do you think of her statement? Should people who don’t believe in astrology just move on? Do you think there is any value in pushing back against astrology? Do you think there is anything harmful about astrology?
Finally, tell us more about what you think:
— Do you believe in astrology? Or do you think it is harmless fiction? Or alternatively, do you think it’s actually harmful in any way — a dangerous pseudoscience or a hoax?
— Do you think the alignment of planets or stars has any influence on human life? Does the article make you more or less interested in what Amanda Hess calls the “mystical internet?” Will you change your behavior while Mercury is in retrograde?
— Do you regularly read your horoscope or discuss your astrological sign? If so, why? If not, what do you think of those who do? Have you ever visited an astrology or so-called mystical internet site? If yes, why? Does it provide you with a sense of spirituality? Community? Self-understanding?
— Why do you think astrology is on the rise? Is it a good thing? What evidence or personal experience do you have to support your opinion?