Learning With: ‘Which Box Do You Check? Some States Are Offering a Nonbinary Option’

Learning With: ‘Which Box Do You Check? Some States Are Offering a Nonbinary Option’

Before reading the article:

With which gender identity do you identify? CBS News defines “gender identity” this way:

Gender identity is an extremely personal part of who we are, and how we perceive and express ourselves in the world. It is a separate issue entirely from sex, our biological makeup; or sexual orientation, who we are attracted to. There are dozens of dynamic and evolving terms related to how people identify.

Take a look at this glossary of gender identity terms and definitions from CBS News and tell us which most closely resemble your experience and why.

Some states are beginning to offer a nonbinary gender option on driver’s licenses. Do you have, or will you be applying for, a driver’s license any time soon? Do your state’s driver’s licenses have a gender option that reflects your gender identity? How does that make you feel?

How important do you think it is to have an ID that reflects your gender identity? Why?

Now, read the article, “Which Box Do You Check? Some States Are Offering a Nonbinary Option,” and answer the following questions:

1. What has El Martinez’s experience of identifying as nonbinary been like?

2. Last summer, the Massachusetts State Legislature became one of the first in the nation to consider a bill to add an “X” option for nonbinary genders to the “M” and “F” on the state driver’s license. Why did lawmakers end up shelving the measure?

3. Why is nonbinary gender identity now being scrutinized on a new scale?

4. What are three reasons opponents have objected to bills for adding a gender-neutral option to state identification documents?

5. What are two main reasons proponents of these bills support them?

6. Why might young Americans be embracing nonbinary genders in larger numbers?

7. Why would it be so significant if the current crop of gender-neutral license bills were signed into law?

Finally, tell us more about what you think:

Revisit the activity you did before reading the article. Now, after you’ve learned more about these bills and the arguments in support of and against them, how important do you think it is to have an ID that reflects your gender identity? Why?

Do you think your state should provide a gender-neutral option on driver’s licenses? Write a short testimonial to your state’s lawmakers in which you state your position and explain why.