On-Demand Webinar: Using the Science Times in STEM Classrooms

On-Demand Webinar: Using the Science Times in STEM Classrooms

In this 55-minute webinar, recorded live in Oct. 2017, we show you how to use Times reporting and multimedia in STEM classrooms.

From following the path of the eclipse to debating medical ethics to demonstrating physics principles with the movement of ants, the Times reporters James Gorman and Nicholas St. Fleur explain how they research and write about scientific questions in the world around us — and how citizen science often plays a role.

The Learning Network editors along with Sara Rust, a high school teacher, then show you features from Times science and health reporting — including reporting from Trilobites and Well, videos from ScienceTake, infographics from The Upshot, and virtual reality experiences from our climate team — that can be easily woven into your curriculum.

Finally, we invite you to submit your own lesson plans to our popular Reader Ideas column.

Resource List: In this PDF you can find links to all the resources we discuss in this webinar.

Original Webinar: You can watch the original, unedited webinar here and download a professional development certificate at the end. The webinar is free, but registration is required.

Nicholas St. Fleur, Science Reporter, The New York Times

Mr. St. Fleur is a science reporter for The New York Times who writes about archaeology, paleontology, space and other types of interesting research, regularly for the desk’s Trilobites column.

He joined The New York Times in 2015. Before that, he was an assistant editor at The Atlantic covering science, health and technology. He has also worked for Science Magazine, NPR and Scientific American.

Mr. St. Fleur graduated from the University of California, Santa Cruz Science Communication Program and completed his undergraduate degree at Cornell University, where he studied biology.

James Gorman, Science Reporter, The New York Times

Mr. Gorman is a science writer at large for The New York Times and the host and writer of the video feature ScienceTake. He has been at the Times since 1993, as an editor on The New York Times Magazine, deputy science editor, editor of a personal technology section, outdoors columnist, science columnist and editor of Science Times.

Over the course of his career at The Times and elsewhere, Mr. Gorman has written about everything from the invention of flea collars to the nature of consciousness. Recently he has covered neuroscience and the lives of animals in and out of scientific research.

Before joining The Times, Mr. Gorman wrote books on penguins, dinosaurs, the Southern Ocean and hypochondria. His most recent book is “How to Build a Dinosaur,” 2009, written with the paleontologist Jack Horner.

He also writes humor, which he has contributed to The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The New York Times Magazine and other publications.

He has taught science writing at New York University, Fordham University and online in Stanford University’s Continuing Studies program. In the fall of 2011, he was the McGraw Visiting Professor of Writing at Princeton University.

Mr. Gorman graduated from Princeton in 1971 with a bachelor’s degree in English literature.