OUA Explained: Take study for a test-drive

OUA Explained: Take study for a test-drive

Uni is a big decision, especially when you’re not sure about the study area, or about online study at all. To help you ensure you’ve made the right choice, we’ve got a few ways you can essentially ‘test-drive’ study through Open Universities Australia (OUA).

Ease in with single subjects

Not sure you’re ready for a full degree? The best way to find out is to have a go, without worrying about the time and financial commitment that a degree requires. Start with a single subject and see how you go – you can enrol right away in most single undergraduate subjects. If you’re looking at postgraduate subjects, be sure to check the entry requirements. Starting small can help you feel more capable, and help you decide whether the field of study is a good fit.

Try a ‘Pathway’

It can be hard to choose a degree without taking it for a spin – so why not do so through OUA Pathways? Pathways are a set of subjects that teach the basics of a study area – think of them like the typical ‘core subjects’ of a degree. These subjects appear in the structure of a number of different degree programs, which means that if you pass them, you’ll become academically eligible to enter these degree programs, should you decide to apply for one. The Pathway subjects will then be credited towards your degree, so there’s no need to repeat what you’ve learned already.

Try a pathway button

Your safety net, should you need it

If you’re not enjoying what you’ve enrolled in, you’ve got time to withdraw without paying fees, if you do so before (or on) the census date. This date occurs a few weeks into each study term – allowing you some time to experience the course, and ensure you’ve made the right decision.

Find out more

To learn more about the online study experience, watch our ‘OUA explained’ video series. We’ll take you through aspects like the time-span of your studies, study loans, and the online study environment, to name a few.

If you’ve got an idea of what you’d like to study, let us help you with the logistics. Fill out the form on this page to hear from a friendly student advisor – they’ll talk you through your options, and help you put your plan into action.