Every school day we choose an important or interesting Times article to feature in our Lesson of the Day and pair it with a warm-up, critical-thinking questions and a going-further activity. The activities and questions are intended to help students understand the article, contextualize it within current and historical world events, and connect the content to their own lives.
As you might expect, many of our Lessons of the Day respond to major news events. While the spring was certainly dominated by the coronavirus pandemic, the year had many other big news stories as well: the impeachment of President Trump, youth-led climate change marches, the Democratic primary race, wildfires in the Australian outback, and, most recently, protests for racial justice following the killing of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis.
But this collection of lesson plans doesn’t include those breaking news stories; instead, it highlights the 100-plus articles we featured during the 2019-20 school year that are in some way evergreen. For example, one lesson plan linked below is about the rush to stop “murder hornets” from spreading in the United States. Another is about how political divides shape the nation’s history textbooks. These articles draw from Arts, Sports, Science and other sections across The New York Times.
On Sept. 8 we’ll begin publishing new daily lesson plans for the 2020-21 school year, but until then and beyond we hope you find articles in this collection that feel interesting and relevant to your curriculum and your students’ lives.