Top 10 Learning Systems for 2022

Top 10 Learning Systems for 2022

Here we are again.

The Top 10 Learning Systems.

Not for 2021 though, but for 2022.

This year, a bit a difference than in years past, as it relates to a couple of areas.

a. A mini-report – more of a detailed comparison with charts and data will be available for purchase – next week (2-8-22). I will provide links to where you can purchase this report. 100% of the proceeds will go to three animal shelters I am a patron of.

b. The functionality/skills capabilities which made up a big part of the systems comes directly from the Learning System template that is available for you to use. Some of the questions regarding privacy/security and customer support were included as part of the analysis. Vendors who have been certified by TCWG for Customer Support, received additional points compared to those who have demurred or declined to seek certification for their customer service and support.

I believe that support should not be taken lightly and a vendor who has gone through the certification process and validated (on-going) is heavily committed to top-tier support. Anyway, just an FYI with that.

Key Points to Note

Vendors did NOT HAVE to be in to be considered for any of my rankings or awards. While I want to have the best of the best on the free comparison site, it is not a requirement or plays any role in the decision-making process.

There is no pay-for-play here. No quid pro quo. There wasn’t any fee for submission, no fees for selection, zip, nada, nothing. This is an independent analysis with weights assigned to different areas and categories, as it has been done in the past.

The analysis covers 1,000 learning systems around the world. It may no difference whether a vendor was LXP or LMS or Learning Platform or TXP or Skills Platform or Whatever I want to call myself system.

Skill capabilities/functionality as a whole is still in the infant stage (across the industry). This will change by the end of the year, as many of the vendors in the rankings are adding more capabilities and functionality around it.

When reviewing these rankings, please be aware that I am looking at each of the systems, in a different way, or perspective than you might. Always do your due diligence. Always make sure the system you select, truly aligns with what you need and wish to accomplish.

Tap into for additional comparisons and details with the vendors who are in the rankings, and in the platform. With the exception, of Pluralsight, I’m thrilled to announce that every other vendor in the rankings is on the platform. If a vendor has been certified by me, for customer support, it will be noted.

Ranking Factors

People always want to know what I am looking at or considering when I conduct my analysis.

What isn’t relevant

  • How many clients they have? Unless the numbers are going down, the total they have isn’t a factor. There are vendors who are very picky on who they want as a client, based on user size or industry, and then there are vendors that if you are breathing, they will take you as a client.
  • Sales numbers. The majority of the industry are private, and extracting sales data is always tricky. Yes, there are vendors who will tell me, their sales numbers for whatever their fiscal happens to be, but way more won’t. Ranges of sales is a common one to provide, but again, it is hard to validate. What I always find interesting is that a vendor won’t say their sales revenue numbers for the year but will espouse the percentages – an increase of 132%. To which I say, from what exact number? Anyway, not a factor.
  • Number of end users. Never relevant to me. If my target are clients under 900 employees, how can I honestly be compared to someone whose target are clients over 25,000? Number of end users makes fine marketing copy for a vendor and a press release. To me? Hey, happy for you, not relevant.
  • White papers, case studies any of that stuff. ZERO relevance. They are all marketing materials. Nobody is publishing a case study on some client that hates them or experienced ungodly misery.
  • How much money the vendor raised. Not relevant. Raising capital has nothing to do with actual sales data. Total projections here. And BTW, it doesn’t mean the vendor has a better system than someone who decides not to raise funds.


  • UI/UX – Learner side – Always a huge role. If you are going customer education/learning the last thing you want is a dated front-end. That will land like a lead balloon. You have one chance to impress, never forget that. For the employee side, how easy is it to use and navigate? Does it have widgets/blocks of information that is essential or relevant to my job role or skills (if applicable)? What is the layout? Is it fluid or congested? The same applies to customers BTW. I did split the learner side based on whether I am an employee vs a customer and looked at those perspectives. They should be slightly different to be quite honest. I mean, do I need an assigned playlist, if I am selling courses to customers or clients? (The answer should be no).
  • UI/UX – Admin side. Very important. Again, how fluid is it? Can anyone figure out how to navigate to find and tap into key capabilities to enter, edit or delete information? Can metrics and data be accessed quickly and will it tell the story of the learning or training? Is it relevant or is it just buzz? How do I add content/courses? Do you offer batch (you want this) or not? Can someone with no background in L&D or Training, be able to use the system to identify key skill gaps or content that is relevant to whatever the target is? If your system is focused on customer learning/education, is the admin side designed for it or not?
  • Metrics and Reporting. Very relevant. It is all about the data, you need the right data to make an informed decision on the person’s learning or training for whatever. If it is customer learning – sales numbers are important to see, trend lines around which content is selling or isn’t very few vendors list the most popular or least popular courses/content (regardless of if it is B2B or employee) – vendors who offer that data are ahead of the game. Segmentation is important here as well. A single data point tells me what exactly? Slice and dice can provide further insight. Plus, never forget that some systems rely on the “tap to complete” as a key indicator for their A.I. to work but showing only what is completed on your metric side, isn’t as key, especially for customer education/learning. Completion tells only part of the story. I looked at any skills data, if it is tied to job role or not, what is being presented (if available).
  • NexGen – Relevant. Any vendor who tells you that playlists or content curation isn’t important, clearly is using Lycos as their search engine of choice.
  • Mobile. Relevant. I want systems that offer on/off synch with a native mobile app. And if they are in the customer ed/learning segment, can be white labeled for that client. Sadly, there are systems that still lack the first two items, and many in the customer ed segment lack the white label. One system that I really like, failed to crack the top two, due to the lack of a native mobile app, and on/off synch. It is 2022 people. What are you waiting for? 2040?
  • Overall functionality and capabilities – there are trends here. Some stuff is basic, forget password, for example, others a tad more complex – depending on the system – employee only focused, combo, or customer learning/Education – the functionality should align to that target audience. I am still stunned that there are vendors out there, who are not ADA508 or similar compliance in 2022. And yes, there is a vendor in the top 10, that isn’t. Thankfully it is on their roadmap for 2022.
  • Machine Learning – Vendors not just in our industry, but others push the system is using A.I., however that is somewhat misleading. It is machine learning based on an algorithm and a set of data it was trained with, and from which continues to be updated and enhanced with on-going data sets. It is only beneficial if the data is truly reflective of what it is outputting or focused on. I want to know what a vendor’s ML can do, and how it works in the system. Again, there are systems where you must complete any piece of content, in order for the recommended playlist to show recommended content – the algorithm presents this. But the data is skewed. Why? Because I am forced to complete the content, even if it is not relevant to me. One of my favorite systems does the complete it aspect. They know who they are – and are aware of my feelings around it.
  • Support/Service – Very relevant. A vendor is never going to tell you their support is awful, but I do know of vendors whose support is awful, so yeah, it weighs here.
  • Remote Workforce – This is a new aspect to the rankings, does the system truly align and offers the right capabilities for a remote workforce? For example, what impact does a VPN have on accessing the content in the learning system? What is the minimum browser(s) version and which ones will it work with? Vendors love to say browser agnostic, but trust me, nobody is accepting IE version 6 here. Nor does Opera or Brave work with every learning system. There are vendors, if you ask, that will tell you the minimum of Chrome for example that will work with the system.
  • Connections and Customization – How customized can the system go? I have no issue with a turnkey only, but there are vendors who can go full throttle. APIs should work without any problems. If a vendor offers Open ID, I think that is a plus.
  • Pricing. Yeah, this year, I weighed into. Vendors that had the “all-included” scored a bit higher in this category, than the buy this, then if you want that, buy this or that. You are not forced to use certain functionality, but you never know when you may want it. If a vendor is IMO, charging way above the average pricing, they lost a few points in this category. I based the pricing calculations on bands (which the majority of vendors use). Pricing Scale is via a range and identified as $-Low, $$-Avg $$$-Above Avg, $$$$-High) – Based on 2,500 active users, before any form of negotiations. I went with a benchmark on average pricing and hence the $$.

The Rankings

Because a mini report is going to be made available, this year’s blog post will contain less information about each system, than in the past. I decided on a PRO vs Weakness angle since systems are getting more ubiquitous than ever before.

Rankings go from #10 to #1. This year, there are two vendors who tied for #2.

Every vendor was given the option to provide screen shots.



  • System is designed specifically for the FS market. Compliance capabilities play a crucial role here, and the system taps into it.
  • Comes with a quiz game capability, that is engaging, interactive and fan to use and play tying in your own questions.
  • CPD is part of the mobile app, and a nice slection of content with curation capabilities
  • Renewed focus on their target which has resulted in an improvement to UI/UX for learners and administrators
  • Systems comes with content/courses for compliance in the FS space
  • Easy to use on the leaner side, Admin side is easy to use


  • Late to the game with NexGen capabilities, still lacking
  • Metrics are sufficient for most, but it needs an advanced segmentation and data to levarege the full power of the system

Pricing Scale (Based on 2,500 users) – $$$

Access LMS is employee-focused system. If you have any of the other ACCESS solutions, it appears as part of your workspace.

Access competes well against SuccessFactors, SumTotal, Kallidus and Talent LMS.

#9 Docebo


  • The add-on Discovery, Coach and Share is well worth it – This is the “coaching”, “ask an expert/experts”, curation piece. You need to have Learn though, before you can purchase it.
  • Docebo Learn is the LMS. Very nice UI/UX on the learner side, pretty easy to navigate and figure out. The Admin side is more streamlined with groupings that make sense
  • Analytics and Metrics wise – the best option to go with is Learning Analytics (another add-on). Learning Impacts (Add-on) is far better than what you get out of the box with Docebo Learn, but LA takes it to a whole new level. You can also purchase LA as a standalone and tie it into your own LMS, I found that intriguing.
  • When you purchase Learn you receive “Content”. Content is Docebo’s third party marketplace, thru GO1. You – the client still needs to purchase the courses/content to use in the system if you choose this route. GO1’s most popular subscription is the “all you can eat model”, which means you pay per seat for the entire massive library
  • Docebo Learn is a full-functionality LMS, with some components of an LXP (and has been for a while). In my template they scored very high on the features tab. Skills are another matter.


  • Docebo outsources some of their implementation/configuration to partners. I’m not a fan of outsourcing implementation/configuration simply because there is no transparency on the track record of the partners. If you purchase in Europe for example, you are sent to a partner in Europe. Fine. But when you have support issues who is going to resolve them? The partner or Docebo? Usually a partner will offer support for an additional fee. In the States, Bluewater is the partner you want; however, they are also a partner of Cornerstone, and thus, if you are deciding between Cornerstone and Docebo, Bluewater is contracted to be Cornerstone first partner.
  • The Admin side has been tweaked, but I feel it needs a refresh in terms of overall design – i.e. UI.
  • The metrics that come out of the box with Docebo Learn are, IMO, not that beneficial nor modern in terms of look. If you go with Learning Impacts, at least the data visualization looks far better and some of the data is quite beneficial. If I was Docebo, I’d sunset the metrics out of the box, and replace them with Learning Impacts.
  • The Suite is not all-included. Docebo Learn and Content is a bundle, and Discovery, Coach and Share is an add-on to Docebo Learn. Docebo Shape is very underwhelming – pass on it, Analytics, I already covered, and then there is Flow, which doesn’t make that much sense to me. Docebo also sells Connect, as an add-on to Learn. Connect allows you to create your own APIs – without programming langugage and create your own push/pull data sets. It has a nice UI/UX and flow, but it has a learning curve, and is pricey.
  • Docebo Skills is at a very early stage. They have skill ratings, and overall, based on my data sheet for skills scored 58%. That is higher than average, but surprisingly low for a system that is strong on the functionality side, scoring at 98%.
  • Mobile is so-so

Pricing Scale: This gets a bit tricky, because monthly active users’ model – which focus on the “up to” in your proposal. I admit I got confused briefly, and I know how the model works. If you purchase only Docebo Learn (which comes with Content – but still an additional cost) – $$ If you purchase Learn
+ Discovery, Coach and Share (which I recommend) – $$$. Docebo is a combo system. They compete well against SAP Litmos, Learn Upon, Talent LMS, SumTotal, and eloomi.

#8 Absorb LMS

For my analysis, I went with a few of their add-ons, which included Infuse, Engage and Analyze. The Create LI is their authoring tool, and while it will work for the vast majority, it isn’t a must need. It is far better, on the above avg side when comparing to other learning system vendors’ authoring tools. Absorb LMS is a combo system.


  • UI/UX on the learner and admin side is very fluid, easy to use, and robust. There is a lot of options on the administration side, and the home dashboard is tight. I like that I have some options there as well.
  • The catalog for learners is visual and sharp. Eye attention is clear, and types of courses are too.
  • As with many systems, you can change up the banner/header of the system.
  • The analytics you want is with Analyze. They will be far superior to what comes out of the box.
  • On my administrator and Learning Environment scales, they scored 100%
  • Absorb is a Certified Customer Support Vendor, the toughest certification program in the industry
  • Offers a 3rd party marketplace
  • Native apps for mobile with on/off synch and the ability to check bandwidth speed and make modifications (huge win)
  • I like that you can have multiple certificates per a course/content. This is not common in the industry but opens up a lot of options.
  • Compliance and Regulatory is quite good, including digital signature
  • E-Commerce and Multi-Tenant scored very high


  • Content Curation and Digital Coaching are a work in progress
  • They scored around 50% for Machine Learning functionality and playlist capabilities – However a stronger and superior playlist capability (ies) are coming in mid 2022.
  • Analytics out of the box are underwhelming
  • This is a system that requires add-ons, rather than everything is included. I can see perhaps the advanced analytics being an add-on (the route many vendors are going), but Infuse, Engage and even Create should be part of the suite.
  • The front-end can be cumbersome with too much stuff, but again, you can remove what you want as the admin
  • On the skills tab side of things, Absorb slides into the majority of the industry – poor. However, they do have all of the skills validation capabilities – 100%, including a future tech one. So, kudos there. (I prefer the term validation to assessment).

Pricing Scale – If you go only with Absorb Learn – $$, if you go with what I analyzed – $$$; Absorb is a combo, they compete well against Docebo, SAP Litmos, Learn Upon, Meridian, and Axonify.

Roll the Scroll

#7 Pluralsight

This learning system breaks the rankings for the first time. It is 100% skills-based system around technical skills. I stress, this, only technical skills. There are learning system vendors who offer Pluralsight in their marketplace, which is odd, since it isn’t just content per se.


  • UI/UX on the learner side is fantastic. Easy to navigate, rich and luxurious is how I would describe it. Admin side, ditto.
  • Easy to see the experts you can select from, and other options such as boot camps, sims/sandboxes, and certification programs
  • From a technical skills platform only, they are by far the best
  • Compliance and Regulatory scored high, they lack digital signature in the platform
  • Certification Prep is awesome, so is the Inventory Activity. I can see each of these in a variety of learning systems.
  • Analytics are very strong. Top tier.
  • Native mobile app, on/off synch


  • Skills specific functionality (based on my template) was well above average, but not the best, scoring 69%. Yet, for skills analytics they scored 100%, so there are hits, with some of the misses. Based on their roadmap, I do expect them to break into the upper 70’s to low 80’s by the end of the year.
  • Zero for Microsoft Teams (at the moment)
  • NexGen was solid, I was expecting better, especially around digital coaching – which has some power to it, just not all
  • Lacks video skills validation – which to me, seems would be a necessary feature benefit
  • Admin area needs to improve, way too many misses for a system such as this

Pricing Scale – $$$$ Pluralsight is a skills-based system focusing only on technical skills. While they slide heavy towards employees, I see them as a combo, with some clients.

Roll the Scroll (uh, you click) – Learner Home Page, Certification Prep Center, Inventory Activity

#6 Cornerstone LMS

This analysis is based solely on Cornerstone LMS and not on xPlor. The Cornerstone LMS is a full featured, very strong LMS that comes with content anytime (3rd party marketplace, but you purchase the “all you can consume plan”), a lot of NexGen functionality and top-tier skills capabilities.


  • #3 in NexGen Rankings for 2021
  • #1 Skills Management Learning System for 2021 – they Scored 87% the highest in the industry
  • Learning environment and Administration scored 100%
  • System offers native mobile apps with on/off synch and a nice set of capabilities
  • This is a very robust system – breaking with over 85% of my learning system template on the functionality side; 100% with vILT, Playlists, Curation to name just a few
  • The system really comes with the functionality of an LXP
  • Learner UI/UX has improved greatly, the best look in the system to date
  • You can go full customization here with the system – pretty much the sky is the limit – additional costs


  • They outsource implementation and configuration to partners. Again, I wish they provided their clients a scorecard of data regarding each partner (I made the same argument with Docebo too). The best is Bluewater, who if you go with them, select their support instead of Cornerstone. Think this way, who is going to know your system inside and out? The partner who is configurating and implementing it or Cornerstone? The downside to partners is it is a mixed bag. Some are good, some are not, err so-so.
  • System needs a refresh on the admin side. While solid in some areas, needs improvement in others.
  • For a system that is strong with digital coaching and skills capabilities, it is befuddling that they are poor with video skills validation. While it is true, that the majority of vendors in the industry, lack these features, it is surprising nevertheless that a vendor such as Cornerstone is part of that group.
  • While they push the narrative of customer learning/education (using the legacy term extended enterprise), their messaging indicates something entirely else – employees specific. Especially when you push L&D as the key group.
  • Analytics – data visualization wise needs an overhaul. It just doesn’t align with the system in terms of look and feel. I understand why they went with xPlor, but to me, they should have focused first in this area or at least the revamp of the UI/UX on the admin side.
  • You cannot white label their mobile app

Pricing Scale: $$$ Cornerstone LMS is a combo, albeit heavily tilted towards employees. They compete well against, SuccessFactors, SumTotal, Gloat, EdCast TXP.

Roll the Scroll (Two versions of the Learner home page, you can create more: and one of the catalogs)

Top Five Learning Systems for 2022

#5 Schoox

A true TXP, combining talent development features with an LXP. They do offer basic level of e-commerce, which will suffice for some folks, but they plan to push further into e-commerce in 2022, thus making themselves a system that goes TXP with customer education/learning as an option. They have the multi-tenant capabilities.

  • Feature wise this is a very solid system, with a lot of functionality and capabilities
  • #8 NexGen Learning System for 2021
  • Scored 97% on my functionality scale, with perfect scores in Learning Environment and Administration, plus Manager and Instructor
  • Native mobile app with on/off synch
  • Certified in Customer Support
  • Nice analytics and metrics capabilities
  • Skills wise, the system landed with 64%, which is above average in the industry. They are targeting the upper 70’s, to low 80’s in 2022.


  • Learner UI/UX and Admin UI/UX needs an overhaul. Schoox has recognized this and brought in new folks to update the system in 2022.
  • While 64% is nice, it is still a bit of a shocker for a vendor who prides themselves as skills-heavy focused – The biggest downer – Skills Playlists, and lack of digital coaching on the skills side
  • Lacks ADA508 or similar compliance. The good news is that in 2022 (by mid-year) they will be compliant, but still, why the wait?

Pricing Scale – $$$ Schoox is a TXP, which normally pushes employee-focused, but with the push more on the customer learning side, the system is now a combo. They compete heavily with Degreed (a TXP), EdCast TXP (a TXP) and Docebo.

Roll the Scroll

#4 Thought Industries

Thought Industries is a learning system focused heavily on customer learning/education. We are talking over 90% of their client base. As such, these systems tend to lack functionality you would see in systems that play heavy on the employee side, for example, workforce development and compliance and regulatory. Nevertheless, a CE/CL focused system should and must have functionality that cannot be found in a “combo” system.


  • #1 Customer Education/Learning System for 2021
  • Panoramas are fantastic, there is a lot you can do with each tenant that goes beyond what the majority of systems can do
  • Learner UI/UX is very good. Admin side is solid.
  • Scored in the high bracket for NexGen Learning Systems for 2021, I like that they are adding: AI in system can scan documents, courses, content, audio and video files and produce text results in a transcript or similar items, which is still lacking in the majority of the market.
  • One of the few vendors in the industry to have video skills validation with digital coaching and scenarios – While it is an add-on, I strongly recommend you buying it with the system. You can see picture in picture (in real time) with the coach and the customer; record via your mobile device, even record scenarios with your mobile too.
  • Robust yet easy to use learning system. For folks who are not experienced in Training or L&D, don’t fret – the system will be very effective for you. So, marketing and sales folks – this is a winner.
  • Metrics include a few tailored specifically for the customer learning side of the house
  • Customization is doable with this learning system
  • E-commerce is elite


  • Lacks a native mobile app. It is on their roadmap for 2022, nevertheless it is by far the biggest miss in the system.
  • Admin metrics dashboard is really a nice touch, but it has limitations on what can be slid in there and selection options. While the majority of systems lack even these features, it was a surprise that there were not more options, and that it lacked a drag and drop mechanism (which is thankfully, appearing in many learning systems).
  • If you want skills capabilities, the customer learning/education focused market is at the infant stage (as are many learning systems that are combo and employee-focused). This is slowly changing in 2022, due to the competitive nature of running up against Combo systems.
  • With the lack of native mobile app, comes the inability to have white-label

Pricing Scale – $$ . They are one of only a few learning systems in the industry that focus solely on the customer education/learning market (aka B2B, extended enterprise). They compete well against Docebo (combo), Skill Jar (combo), Intellum (customer-focused) and Valamis (customer-focused).

Roll the Scroll

# 3 Learn Amp

Learn Amp is a complete learning system, there is no other way to say it. Okay, it has one miss (discussed shortly), but from an overall system standpoint it has quite a bit, from an LMS, to an LXP to skills capabilities that are above average in the industry.


  • Learner UI/UX is very good. They scored 100% on my learning environment and administration side. Easy to use, navigate and tap into for all learners.
  • Admin side – UI/UX is quite good too. Easy to figure out and choose.
  • #1 Learning System for mid-market (2,500 to 5,000) – referred to as mid-market Enterprise
  • #4 NexGen Learning System for 2021
  • Certified Customer Support by TCWG
  • Personalized recommendations based on an algorithm that does not require you to complete the content
  • 3rd party content marketplace
  • Analytics and metrics are solid – with key data that will help you make appropriate decisions around your learning
  • Includes multi-tenant capabilities


  • Metrics need to have an advanced option – with stronger segmentation
  • Lacks a mobile app, although they have it on their roadmap for 2022
  • Skills capabilities are average, a work in progress, that should improve in 2022 – based on their roadmap
  • Lacks e-commerce, which is fine if they were only employee-focused, but they are a combo

Pricing Scale – $$ Learn Amp is a combo system. They compete well against, Docebo, SAP Litmos, THRIVE, eloomi and 360Learning.

#2 (A Tie)

EdCast TXP and Degreed

I’ve written a pretty extensive analysis between these two vendors, along with Fuse.

EdCast TXP will be presented first, followed by Degreed. I will try not to regurgitate the analysis above.

EdCast TXP Pros

  • #1 NexGen Learning System for 2021
  • #2 in Skills Capabilities with 77%
  • Very nice UI/UX on the Learner side and the Admin side
  • Includes quite a bit of LMS capabilities, including classroom management (it is an add-on, aka LMS Light).
  • Skills Studio is a plus – requires a learning curve, but once achieved will help administrators
  • Advanced Analytics exists – but it is an add-on cost (i.e. not included)
  • Analytics and metrics out of the box that comes with the system will be sufficient for most folks
  • Microsoft Teams capabilities are better than Microsoft Viva Learning – In fact, it is the best in the industry – i.e. EdCast’s MS Teams capabilities
  • Skills tied to job roles plays heavy here – will continue.
  • Skills Bookmarklets in your extensions bar is very impressive – best in the industry
  • Can heavily customize the system, far more than Degreed
  • Certified Customer Support


  • System lacks on/off synch with their native mobile apps
  • Manager area is relatively weak, although many features are on the roadmap for 2022
  • Multi-tenant capabilities out of the box are on the roadmap for 2022
  • While I like the UI/UX on the system, I believe it needs a refresh for 2022

Pricing Scale – $$$$ – Not including any of the add-ons . EdCast TXP is employee-heavily focused. A combination of a talent development and LXP. They compete well against, Degreed, Fuse, Docebo, SumTotal.

Roll the Scroll

#2 Degreed

Total TXP here. Fun fact – they were the first LXP on the market, but they no longer call themselves that. They are another vendor that goes with some add-ons, which while a couple are understandable, one isn’t.

For in-depth analysis, please read the Battle 2.0 post.


  • Nice UI/UX on the learner side, admin side is good too
  • Skills capabilities scored #3 in the entire industry at 72%
  • First vendor to have skills ratings with skills levels
  • Analytics and metrics out of the box are a mixed bag – One screen is slick with the metrics that are relevant and key data; the other side is dated UI with some metrics of relevance
  • Robust system on NexGen capabilities
  • Offers the bookmarklet extensions
  • Guidebooks is a home run- best product add-on in learning system for 2021 (sadly it is an add-on, additional cost, that comes with Degreed Intelligence)
  • Opportunities tied to skills another winner (and yes, an add-on)


  • Skills Coach as an add-on. Makes no sense. They slide it under Degreed Intelligence (add-on, which is quite nice, think advanced analytics), but Coach isn’t fully what I would think digital coaching is all about, and secondly, isn’t a fit for DI.
  • They need a refresh on the Learner UI/UX
  • For an “upskilling platform”, it is surprising to see they lack any video skills validation tied around digital coaching and scenarios, especially business scenarios – either as boot camps or sandbox. I’m not talking about technical skills here, rather, general business skills.
  • Recommendation engine is based on “complete” on any content. Thus, even if it isn’t relevant to you, but you click complete because it is assigned, it impacts the algorithm. This goes against why WBT – aka online learning was created in the first place.

Price Scale – $$$$ – And that is not including any of the add-ons; Degreed is a TXP. They compete well against Schoox, EdCast, Cornerstone.

Roll The Scroll

#1 Learning System for 2022


Repeat here – but for some in-depth please read Battle 2.0

This is not a system for everyone. I say this because the entire approach is wrapped around communities and groups. Thus the UI/UX looks far different than what you usually see in a learning system. To me, this is truly a human-centric/focused learning system. Many systems pitch learner-centric, but they feel like you are in a lab or a museum, almost bland with some notable paint. The system has a lot of “on roadmap” for 2022 – track record for roadmap has been excellent.


  • #2 Learning System for NexGen 2021
  • #1 Learning System (5,000 to 10,000) Enterprise
  • Learner UI/UX overall is nice, needs a refresh which is on their roadmap for 2022
  • Analytics and metrics are the best in the industry (comes with the system) and provides the key indicators you will need for your learning and training. Data that matters from engagement to consumption.
  • Content curation is outstanding – scrolls the net to pull down free content that is relevant to your search, coming in 2022, you will be able to ask questions in your search – “What do I need to become a marketing professional?” – for example, and it produces specific to that question. Similar to what someone would ask when conducting a web search.
  • 66% for skills capabilities, way above the mark for the industry as a whole.
  • System has LXP functionality, with strong LMS capabilities.
  • Certified Customer Support from TCWG


  • E-commerce, especially since Fuse is eyeing the customer education/learning market; Fuse does offer multi-tenant capabilities though.
  • As noted above, the UI/UX needs a refresh – but as noted above, it is on their roadmap for 2022.
  • Biggest minus – they only support SCORM 1.2. They need to add at least xAPI.
  • MS teams capabilities are lacking, but they are on the roadmap for 2022.

Pricing Scale – $$$ – Everything is included. Fuse is a combo. They compete well against, Degreed, EdCast TXP, Docebo.

Roll The Scroll

Bottom Line

There you go.

The Top 10 Learning Systems for 2022.

Don’t forget, that the min-report, a perfect addition to these ratings will be available next week. I will be listing the places you can purchase and download it from.

E-Learning 24/7