What Is Your Favorite Musical Instrument?

What Is Your Favorite Musical Instrument?

Students, read the entire article, listen to the 12 song excerpts, then tell us:

— Do you have a favorite instrument to listen to or play? What first drew you to it? What qualities of the instrument uniquely touch and move you?

— Which of the 12 musical pieces spotlighted in the article did you connect to or appreciate? Did reading the guest writers’ descriptions of them change how you think of and hear the piano? If so, tell us about your discoveries and what you liked?

— The 12 piano pieces selected in the article draw largely from classical or jazz genres and were written at least 50 years ago. However, many current popular artists across genres, such as Lady Gaga, Alicia Keys, Taylor Swift, John Legend, Luke Bryan and Billie Eilish to name a few, play the piano. Many big hits by artists like Adele, Beyoncé, Bruno Mars, Ariana Grande, Kendrick Lamar and Khalid also feature the piano in a prominent way. What are your favorite songs that feature a piano? Are there any piano-based songs you’d like to add to the list above?

— What are your experiences with the piano? Have you ever played or wanted to play? Does the article make you want to study or listen to the piano more? If you could learn to play any instrument (or a different one than you already play), what would it be? Why?

— Does your school have music classes or programs? Have you ever been involved in one? In your opinion, is music a valuable part of the educational experience? Do you think students should be required to take a music class at some point?

— Return to the instrument you consider most central to your life. Now, create a playlist of five songs to educate and inspire those not familiar with your favorite instrument of its magical capabilities. Please annotate at least one of your picks, using the article as a model. Include the name of the song, the artist and a short description of why that piece matters to you.

Students 13 and older are invited to comment. All comments are moderated by the Learning Network staff, but please keep in mind that once your comment is accepted, it will be made public.