What Students Are Saying About Gifted Programs, What They’d Like to Study, and the Value of a Dollar

What Students Are Saying About Gifted Programs, What They’d Like to Study, and the Value of a Dollar

Both learning languages and forensic are something I find truly and deeply amusing, but there’s this one topic I can’t quite seem to grasp: stocks. This is why I would choose this — one-syllable — word to study for a year. On one hand, I hear people talk about the significance of stocks on a daily basis; how it has impacted their lives, how it’s made some millionaires, and how some wouldn’t be where they are without stocks. On the other hand, I have never understood how or why it’s so life-changing. I want to know the answers to my questions, and beyond that, I would like to know how I can use stocks to better my life in the future.

Rocio, Maryland

If I could devote a year to study anything it would be Waterfowl Conservation, which is preserving and protecting wetlands so that waterfowl and other animals can continue to have places to live and repopulate. My family has always been involved in this, mostly because my father and I have owned lots of land and have used it for duck hunting for as long as we have had it. I’ve always found it very fascinating to be able to work out on our land and see how the wildlife there is in the off-season and I am hoping to keep it going and possibly start my own thing in the future.

Matt, Hoggard High School

If I could devote a year to studying anything I would study history. Every history from every country and state. Surprisingly my worst subject is history, even though my dad is a historian god. But, I have loved the way he knows so much history on everything, it’s so cool to hold that much information in one brain. I would love to learn all history and just know so much about every country. It really just expands your knowledge and it could benefit you in so many ways. History doesn’t go with my career; I want to help kids with disabilities, but it could help me know more about politics, or about fundraising to which country that needs the most help, or just knowing knowledge about a country you have never been connected with.

Alex, New Mexico

¨To learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world.¨ Learning a language allows you to make connections between things you may otherwise not have: why words mean what they do, why we pronounce something differently than it sounds, or why that street, Morte Boulevard, always had the best Halloween decorations. I am currently learning French, and I love it, finding that when I read a word or passage, I can pick out key words and understand it…

If I were to spend one year studying any subject with a group of peers equally motivated, it would definitely be a language. If you study on your own, you miss out on conversation, which refreshes and improves your repertoire. Additionally, learning a language prepares you for later in life, no matter what job you have, or where you go, knowledge of a language will always be useful. And because of this, this Chinese proverb still applies today, learning a language not only provides another window into the world, it also opens doors for your future.

Owen, Union High School/Vancouver, Washington

My answer would be language. There is the Korean language that I’ve been trying to learn, whether it is just small phrases or sentences. It seems really basic and some schools already have language classes but I’ve never seen an American school have a Korean language class. Just learning the Korean language would be useful for me as I want to travel to Korea.

L, south side highschool

If I had to choose something to study for a year it would probably be linguistics. I’ve always been interested in how language works and why it has so many rules and exceptions. It never occurred to me that this was something that you could study in college until my mom told me about it. I would love to take a class where we studied a bunch of different languages from all over the world and learned where all languages originated from and how it has evolved over thousands of years.

Lillian, Block 4Hoggard High School, Wilmington, NC