Word + Quiz: exacerbate

Word + Quiz: exacerbate

1. make worse

2. irritate


The word exacerbate has appeared in 562 articles on NYTimes.com in the past year, including on Feb. 26 in “Oregon to Become First State to Impose Statewide Rent Control” by Mihir Zaveri:

Some say that by limiting the amount of rent landlords can collect, they will take the properties off the market, limiting the housing supply at a time when there already is a crunch.

“While the intent of rent control laws is to assist lower-income populations, history has shown that rent control exacerbates shortages, makes it harder for apartment owners to make upgrades and disproportionally benefits higher-income households,” Doug Bibby, president of the National Multifamily Housing Council, which represents the apartment industry, said in a statement Tuesday about the Oregon bill.
