gestalt gə-ˈstält , -ˈshtält noun
: a configuration or pattern of elements so unified as a whole that it cannot be described merely as a sum of its parts
The word gestalt has appeared in nine articles on in the past year, including on June 12 in “Revisiting the Images of Alfred Stieglitz’s Camera Work Magazine” by Rena Silverman:
Though this is not the first bound publication of a complete set of Camera Work — Taschen compiled the publication’s photogravures and there is an academic reprint of a 1969 version available for $1,650 — Mr. Katzman says that Mr. Vreyen’s reproduction is the most authentic to Stieglitz’s mission.
“Stieglitz’s intention was to combine images with words in a certain format and order,” he said. “Pacing, image placement, who wrote what, when. Camera Work was a gestalt. Pierre’s project approximates that gestalt.”