Word + Quiz: palpable

Word + Quiz: palpable

1. capable of being perceived; especially capable of being handled or touched or felt

2. can be felt by palpation


The word palpable has appeared in 324 articles on NYTimes.com in the past year, including on May 5 in “Maduro Speaks to Troops, Trying to Discredit Guaidó’s Call for Mutiny” by Ana Vanessa Herrero and Rick Gladstone:

Mr. Guaidó followed the failed uprising with a national rally Wednesday. Tens of thousands participated but the crowds fell short of Mr. Guaidó’s goal of holding “the biggest march in history.”

The rally in Caracas quickly turned into a familiar pattern of violence between the armed forces and groups of antigovernment youths, raising doubts among many Venezuelans about the opposition’s prospects for unseating Mr. Maduro.

By Thursday, there was a palpable sense of frustration with the opposition’s strategy on the streets of Caracas, people in the capital said.
