Word + Quiz: polymath

Word + Quiz: polymath

: a person of great and varied learning


The word polymath has appeared in 69 articles on NYTimes.com in the past year, including on March 26 in “The Return of a Magazine That Changed Culture” by Charlie Porter:

Besides the deskbound staff, the title will employ a globally roaming band of contributors that form a creative team, including the designer Grace Wales Bonner, as well as Acyde and Tremaine Emory, who design the label No Vacancy Inn. They are the kind of people whose Instagram accounts make you click further to try and understand what they’re posting about.

“This is a new tier of person,” Mr. Brumfitt said, “these fascinating cross-cultural characters who are tripping around the world. They’re often doing far more interesting things than journalists.”

Many on this creative team mix creative and commerce, curation and marketing. “They are polymaths,” said Jason Gonsalves, the brand director of The Face. It is a blurring of lines that appears key to the new Face, one that reflects a shift in the creative class.
