Word + Quiz: skein

Word + Quiz: skein

1. coils of worsted yarn

2. suggestion or appearance of the twists and coils of worsted yarn


The word skein has appeared in 19 articles on NYTimes.com in the past year, including on Aug. 1 in the art review “Stripes and Tangles of Neon, Under the Hamptons Sun” by Jason Farago:

Mr. Sonnier grew too enamored of assemblage as he got older, and several flat-footed works from the 1990s and 2000s, in which neons entangle found objects like a tomato cage or a plastic canister of Murphy Oil, appear as gaudy Rauschenberg reboots. Neon continues to grip him, and one appeal of his works in light today, when many younger artists have gone for full-out theatricality, is their ad hoc, unassuming spirit. At the Parrish, skeins of neon in lavender or sea-foam green weave among the building’s wooden rafters. And in the show’s largest work, “Rectangle Diptych” (2013), neons commune benevolently with the Parrish’s massive south-facing picture window.