See how Adrienne combines skills learned as a stay-at-home mom with new skills gained with a Google Professional Certificate to succeed in her dream job

See how Adrienne combines skills learned as a stay-at-home mom with new skills gained with a Google Professional Certificate to succeed in her dream job

Meet Adrienne! She’s on an amazing career journey that started with an important decision—after ten years as a stay-at-home mom, she decided she was ready to return to the workforce. There were some obstacles along the way, but she kept her sights on a career in project management, and she’s recently landed a new job. She shares her story below, including some insights into how she enhanced her resume with the Google Project Management: Professional Certificate and successfully prepared for her job interviews, and how her transferable skills helped her move into a new field.

Hi, my name is Adrienne. I had a surprise pregnancy while in college and decided to leave school to become a mom. What was supposed to be a year of motherhood turned into being a stay-at-home mom for over ten years! Early this year, I decided it was time for me to get back into the workforce. However, I felt far behind my peers, mainly because I didn’t even have a college degree. 

I enrolled in the Google Project Management: Professional Certificate program when it launched in March with the intention of getting into the field of my dreams—technology. Once I started the program, I was happy to realize that the volunteer work I had done in our school district had actually taught me some skills I could incorporate into my future career as a project manager. 

I got so excited while earning my certificate that I began applying to new jobs mid-course. I was offered a role at a name-brand luxury resort as a full-time event planner, which I accepted. But, I was still determined to reach my dream job as a project manager in technology!

I spent my days off finishing the Google Professional Certificate program (while juggling being a mom!). It was challenging, but having a long day at work only pushed me harder to finish my program and earn my certificate. The program helped me build a portfolio to present to potential employers and it even taught me how to build my resume and prepare for job interviews. The program was engaging, fun, and I am completely confident in my new skills.

Today, I am proud to announce that I am working in a job at a top technology company. 

Earning my Google Project Management: Professional Certificate is one of the biggest accomplishments I’ve made in my education, and it was a key stepping stone to my new career.