Each Wednesday we shine a spotlight on five student activities that support a broad range of learners. In this week’s roundup of accessible activities, we invite students to learn about yawning, share how they feel about walking, watch a film about the American lawn, make observations about a photograph and reflect on forgiveness.
Note: To learn more about this new weekly feature, read our introductory post. Please share your thoughts in the comments section or by emailing us at LNFeedback@nytimes.com.
1. Learn about why we yawn.
In this Lesson of the Day, students learn some of the science behind yawning. Then they can think of a health and wellness question that puzzles them, and do research to find answers.
2. Reflect how you feel about taking long walks.
For this Student Opinion prompt, students will learn about two women who walked every street in their city during the pandemic. Then students can reflect on their relationship with walking: Do they walk to just get around? Or do they enjoy walking for pleasure?
3. Watch a short film about the American lawn.
This Film Club explores the ways in which the American lawn became a symbol of the American dream. Students will consider whether a perfectly manicured lawn is an ideal still worth pursuing, especially given that lawns can hurt the environment and contribute to climate change.
4. Interpret an image.
Students will look at a New York Times photograph that has been stripped of its caption, and then make observations about what they think is happening in the image. They can share their interpretations in the comments section and check back on Thursday for the reveal.
5. Reflect on forgiveness.
In this Picture Prompt, students share what forgiveness means to them and how it has felt to extend or accept forgiveness from someone else. In the comments section, they can share their thoughts about forgiveness, as well as to what extent it connects to their spiritual or religious beliefs.