What Students Are Saying About Being Graded on Excellence vs. Effort

What Students Are Saying About Being Graded on Excellence vs. Effort

I think about this a lot in school — each test, assignment, and class is different for everybody. Some people are meant to be smart and study, but others are meant to be singers, actors, or comedians. Why are these people, all with unique abilities, expected to “excel” in school? They all have different, unique abilities, and the outcome of a specific task is going to be different for everybody. For example: If a phenomenal singer works really hard in school but fails a test, does that necessarily show who they are as a person? No — they worked hard and that’s what should count. I think that instead of focusing on “excellence” in school, we should focus on a person’s dedication, potential, work ethic, and unique capabilities.

Jack, Glenbard West High School

As a student, I think teachers should grade students by effort because it shows how much work we put into the assignment. When students are learning, some understand things slower and overthink, unlike others who just write right away because everyone struggles with different things when learning. When students hear you’ll be getting graded on effort, it motivates them to work harder.

Nasra, Minnesota

Although the essay’s author underscores the importance of teaching students that one’s work cannot guarantee success, comparing these ideas to an Olympian winning a medal for quick swimming rather than best training, students may be discouraged from improving their grades. Thus, a teacher must recognize student effort, and consider incorporating it into their grade.

Isaac, New York

As a student myself, it is upsetting when I participate, turn in assignments, and study and end up with a B in the class while my other classmate doesn’t participate often, never studies, and turns in assignments but is a great test taker and ends up with an A in the class. Some may argue that the overall grading system pushes students to work harder but I disagree. When a student sees that they have gotten an F on an assignment after they have been an above average student their whole life, they feel disappointed at first but if it becomes a consistent outcome, most students will feel burnt out and give up.

Alexis, Glenbard West High School

Personally I think grades must be mainly based on effort. Because I think effort its one of the most important things at school. Its better to be a student that tries, study and tells the lesson than a student that doesn’t care and is good only at tests and exercises.

Teo, Greece Thessalonikh