Word of the Day: foment

Word of the Day: foment

The word foment has appeared in 55 articles on NYTimes.com in the past year, including on April 25 in “Rapid Inflation, Lower Employment: How the U.S. Pandemic Response Measures Up” by Jeanna Smialek and Ben Casselman:

The United States spent more aggressively to protect its economy from the pandemic than many global peers, a strategy that has helped to foment more rapid inflation — but also a faster economic rebound and brisk job gains.

Now, though, America is grappling with what many economists see as an unsustainable worker shortage that threatens to keep inflation high and may necessitate a firm response by the Federal Reserve. Yet U.S. employment has not recovered as fully as in Europe and some other advanced economies. That reality is prodding some economists to ask: Was America’s spending spree worth it?

Can you correctly use the word foment in a sentence?

Based on the definition and example provided, write a sentence using today’s Word of the Day and share it as a comment on this article. It is most important that your sentence makes sense and demonstrates that you understand the word’s definition, but we also encourage you to be creative and have fun.

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If you want a better idea of how foment can be used in a sentence, read these usage examples on Vocabulary.com.

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