Word + Quiz: brusque

Word + Quiz: brusque

: marked by rude or peremptory shortness


The word brusque has appeared in 33 articles on NYTimes.com in the past year, including on Dec. 26 in “How Cruise Ships Bring 1,200 Tons of Toxic Fumes to Brooklyn a Year” by Lisa M. Collins:

On a chilly fall morning in Red Hook, Brooklyn, the Queen Mary 2, the luxury liner known for its opulent black-tie dinners and ballroom dances, docked under blue skies while a fleet of 50 or so taxis jostled for position on the wharf.

Thousands of passengers disembarked. Looking dazed, they leaned on luggage in the hectic loading zone. It was a brusque re-entry after seven days of living a dream. Onboard, there had been a live orchestra for afternoon tea, a planetarium and a Canyon Ranch spa.
