Most Popular Enterprise Courses of 2019

Most Popular Enterprise Courses of 2019

Kelly Murphy, Enterprise Content Strategist

As digital transformation continues to change the way we work, enterprise learners increasingly seek out content to build literacy in data and technology. Throughout 2019, Enterprise learners consumed data science courses at varying levels–from the layperson-friendly What is Data Science? course by IBM to The Data Scientist’s Toolbox from Johns Hopkins University, designed for practitioners. The same trend held for technical skills, with Python for Everybody claiming the most enterprise learners of 2019, and the more advanced Neural Networks and Deep Learning coming in right behind it.

Yet enterprise leaders have also reported a parallel need for “human skills”, the soft skills and leadership skills of the modern workplace that are becoming increasingly more important in a digital world. Learners sought out communication courses such as Write Professional Emails in English from Georgia Institute of Technology as well as courses focused on personal development and efficiency, including Work Smarter, Not Harder from UC Irvine and Learning How to Learn.

We expect 2020 to bring the same dual need for technical and “human” skills as organizations realize the importance of communication, critical thinking, and adaptability in a globally connected, rapidly changing world.

Most Popular Enterprise Courses of 2019

**The 4 courses of the Python for Everybody Specialization all landed in the top 10.  This includes Getting Started with Python (#1 course overall), Python Data Structures,Introduction to Data Science in Python and Using Python to Access Web Data. Getting Started with Python is both the number 1 course and representative of the full Specialization.