Free Printable Thanksgiving Food Labels – 28 Dishes!

Free Printable Thanksgiving Food Labels – 28 Dishes!

Free Printable Thanksgiving Food Labels - 28 Dishes!

I love the intoxicating aroma that fills the air on Thanksgiving day. What would you say is your favorite Thanksgiving aroma? Turkey roasting in the oven? Homemade apple pie? The smell of cinnamon and cloves? For me, it definitely has to be the smell (& taste) of the melt-in-your-mouth buttery dinner rolls. Thanksgiving is approaching fast. Therefore, we thought we’d bring some charming free printable Thanksgiving food labels your way that can be used to label the foods at your mouth-watering Thanksgiving feast.

Food Label for Corn on Thanksgiving table
Stuffing and other dishes decorated with our free printable thansgiving food labels

Free Printable Thanksgiving Food Labels

We tried to cover as many traditional Thanksgiving dishes as possible, but we also left a few blank labels that you can use to fill in any we may have missed. These work best when printed on 8.5×11″ white card stock. We used a 1 3/8″ circle punch to quickly cut ours out, but they can also be hand-cut as well.

30 Printable Thanksgiving Food labels for decorating your dishes

For Personal Use Only.

If you are looking for more seasonal freebies, make sure to check our free printables library

Looking for something specific?

If you have an idea for a printable, let us know in the comments! We are always looking for inspiration. If you decide to print today’s Printable Thanksgiving Food Labels, make sure to share some photos. You can do so by tagging us on Instagram or Twitter.