Weekly Digest #131: Increasing Grading/Marking Efficiency
Grading (marking in the UK context) can be a time-consuming and, at times, annoying task that teachers face on a regular basis. How can we make grading more efficient and less burdensome, but at the same time provide students with the important feedback that helps them improve their performance in the future? We dedicated a…
Weekly Digest #134: How to Sleep Well
4) Ask A Sleep Doctor: The Questions That Keep You Up At Night, a podcast with W. Christopher Winter, author of The Sleep Solution: Why Your Sleep is Broken and How to Fix It Science Friday Q&A with neurologist and sleep expert. Listeners call in to ask their questions about sleep. 5) I Fixed My Terrible…
Weekly Digest #133: Technology for Math Learning
Josh has created a number of free mathematics lesson apps for middle school based on the science of learning. Guzinta Math lesson apps can be used at school, at home, or both. They include video instruction, interactive modules, worked examples, instructor notes, and--the key--a design which provides retrieval practice, and monitors students' practice so that…
Weekly Digest #137: Lessons Learned From Learning Scientists Teacher Workshops
In the beginning of January, we were on tour in England to provide workshops to teachers. We enjoyed this opportunity tremendously because it gave us not only an opportunity to reach out to teachers and to disseminate knowledge about learning and teaching strategies from Cognitive Psychology, but also allowed us to learn what strategies teachers…
Weekly Digest #136: Optimizing Lecture Capture
Today’s weekly digest is motivated by a paper on lecture capture that I (Carolina) am currently co-writing (1). I thought it would be a good idea to put together a digest summarizing the evidence behind the benefits or pitfalls of recording university lectures. While students are eager to get their hands on lecture recordings, lecturers…
Weekly Digest #135: SoTL Researcher Spotlight II
Dr. Henry L. Roediger, III is a cognitive psychologist recognized for his work on human learning and memory. He is known for developing techniques to study false memories, the power of retrieval practice in enhancing learning and retention, and a theory to explain differences observed between explicit and implicit memory tests. Dr. Roediger has served…