Confused? Welcome to the Learning System World of 2024

Confused? Welcome to the Learning System World of 2024

The pricing approach continues to confuse. The whole “active user” that is counted is seriously propaganda unless that vendor sends an invoice to you each month and charges you for each month. That’s it. If that isn’t happening, the whole “active user” spin is just spin. Ditto on the MAU thing, which is monthly active users. I know vendors who are confused by what they see other vendors do regarding the pricing of “active users.” Think about that for a second. The folks who sell a learning system, can’t understand how the active model really works – because it is a shell game. 

Look here. Look there. Pick where the ball is. Sorry, it’s not there. It’s over here.

Some vendors say, “Okay, we will bill quarterly,” and count only the active users—two sides here to this coin. Unless the vendor is counting each month, and it isn’t, we break out your total bill over four quarters – but if it is the same price you would pay annually, then well, it is the latter.

I can tell you that some vendors are jumping into the latter or offering it as an option (plenty do, even before 2024), which will help you financially. Plus, it sounds like a better deal – around the whole active piece.

  • It is going up more than going down. People are losing their jobs. L&D, Training, and HR departments are the first to get cut. It’s too bad many vendors are ignoring that.
  • You pay more for better support or support in general. There is one vendor that offers support packages right out of the gate. Free? Ain’t happening. And each package is expensive. It has nothing to do with your user base. And you pay yearly. The bummer for me? I like the system, but that is bad business.
  • The number of hours of free training is dropping. I see one hour with some vendors. One hour? Who retains information over an hour? If the department/division/company head wants to be trained on the system, give it to them for free. If the admin needs more training on XYAX, give it to them. Give it to them if they have a new admin or one that has gone on vacation and needs to be trained. As many hours as needed. Why? Those support calls into your company aren’t free – they cost, and wouldn’t it make more sense to offset and stop that before it happens? Who is running the strategy around the low-hours training? Elmer Fudd?
  • One way vendors are trying to lower it is to provide training videos on specific areas. It sometimes works, but there isn’t any way to know what someone needs training on. And unless you are going into every key spot, that won’t work. A vendor should look at the support calls or tech issues and see the top five using trend lines. That should be the indicator here. Not how to log in.
  • Tiered pricing is back! You get XYZ at this cost. Then, another tier, and you get more. There is often a “most popular,” which means – this is the one the vendor wants you to buy unless you are an Enterprise. Then you contact them. 
